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Doctor and Patient

Out of Hours Calls

When the surgery is closed and an emergency occurs, or if you need advice from a doctor, phone NHS24 on 111 or go to 

If the doctor or nurse decides that you need to be seen you may be required to travel to a treatment centre, unless doctor feels that your condition merits a home visit. 

Home Visits

For non-urgent house calls you should phone 782783 before 10am with full details. A home visit must only be requested if you cannot attend the surgery due to ill health.

Visits are very time consuming and more patients can be seen in surgery than at home. Much more can be done for you in the surgery; you can be examined more satisfactorily in the facilities within the Health Centre and where more appropriate tests can be carried out. You can receive EMERGENCY CARE at any time during the day from your doctor. This includes a home visit 


Scheduling Appointments

A full appointments system is employed.  All urgent cases will be seen the same day, but not necessarily by the doctor of your choice.  You can arrange an appointment by phoning the receptionist during the following times: Monday – Friday, 8.00am – 12.45pm, and 1.45pm – 6pm.




We also offer extended opening hours - these are available from 7.30am, please contact the surgery to arrange one of these appointments. 


Please note that any abuse of urgent appointments, or non-attendance at booked appointments, can prevent or delay someone else from being seen promptly, so it is very important that you let us know if you cannot attend your appointment so that it can be allocated to somebody else.


If you are over the age of 75 and have not seen the doctor within the past 3 years, we would like to invite you to make an appointment to see either the doctor or the Nurse Practitioner


The doctors consult at various times throughout the day. Phone the receptionist to make an appointment. 

Our Nurse Practitioner is also available most days, by appointment.


If English is not your first language we have a list of interpreters who can be contacted to assist with communication.  We would require some notice to contact the interpreters.




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